About 潮州人 Ciuzauese (Quarry Bay) - Quarry Bay
小店雖名為“潮州人”,但賣的卻不是潮州菜, 取此名全因家父希望我秉承潮州人刻苦耐勞的精神, 小店主打住家老火湯及花膠扒湯米粉等特式湯米粉。Free delivery
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慢煮雞肉湯米粉 Sous Vide Chickens
$77.00金牌花膠湯米粉 Signature Fish Maw
$85.00是日住家靚湯 Soup of The Day
$76.00鮑汁花膠撈米粉 Signature Fish Maw with Seafood Sauce(Mixed-Style)
$99.00日本廣島蠔湯米粉 Hiroshima Oyster
$85.00清酒大蜆 Fresh Clams with Sake
$76.00海中寶 Seafood Treasure Box
$106.00蔥油廣島蠔 Hiroshima Oysters with Scallion Oil
$84.00古法醉鮮鮑 Abalone with Yellow Wine
特色米粉 Famous Rice Noodles
慢煮雞肉湯米粉 Sous Vide Chickens
$77.00師父醉雞翼湯米粉 Sensei Chicken Wings with Yellow Wine
$72.00金牌花膠湯米粉 Signature Fish Maw
$85.00鮑汁花膠撈米粉 Signature Fish Maw with Seafood Sauce(Mixed-Style)
$99.00清酒大蜆湯米粉 Fresh Clams with Sake
$72.00日本廣島蠔湯米粉 Hiroshima Oyster
$85.00甘香醉鮮蝦湯米粉 Shrimps with Yellow Wine
小食 Side Dish
雞油燙菜 Chinese Boiled Greens
$49.00師父醉雞翼 Sensei Chicken Wings with Yellow Wine
$38.00溏心醉蛋 Soft Boiled Egg with Yellow Wine
$25.00海中寶 Seafood Treasure Box
$106.00清酒大蜆 Fresh Clams with Sake
$76.00古法醉鮮鮑 Abalone with Yellow Wine
$119.00香辣魚皮 Spicy Fish Skins
$52.00酒糟醉雞腎 Chicken Kidney with Yellow Wine
$52.00蔥油廣島蠔 Hiroshima Oysters with Scallion Oil
$84.00鮮灼大扇貝 Boiled Scallop
$119.00甘香醉鮮蝦 Shrimps with Yellow Wine
特別推介 Special Recommendations
是日住家靚湯 Soup of The Day
$76.00醉愛三寶 Drunkie 3
師父醉雞翼, 古法醉鮮鮑, 甘香醉鮮蝦$119.00
自家製低糖飲品 Homemade Low Sugar Drinks
清甜竹蔗茅根水 Suger Cane and Imperatae Drink
$17.00媽咪龍眼蔘蜜 Mami Logan American Ginseng Tea
$22.00有機鮮豆漿 Organic Soy Milk